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Marina Elbakidze
Iamze Kutaladze


The aim of the study is to determine the role of personality characteristics – perfectionism and assertiveness, in organizational socialiazation. According to research results, both personality characteristics play a certain role in socialization. In particular, constructive (healthy) perfectionism facilitates organizational socialization, whereas destructive (neurotic) perfectionism hinders it. Another important factor is behavior style (passive, assertive, aggressive). Organizational socialization positively correlates with assertive behavior; however, the role of passive and aggressive behavior in the socialization process was not statistically supported. 

organizational socialization, perfectionism, assertiveness
Published: Jul 19, 2022

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How to Cite
Elbakidze, M. ., & Kutaladze , I. . (2022). THE ROLE OF PERFECTIONISM AND ASSERTIVENESS IN ORGANIZATIONAL SOCIALIZATION . Georgian Psychological Journal, 3.


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