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Vakhtang Nadareishvili


According to our assumption, D. Uznadze’s situational set is a mental entity, similarly to attitude, person- ality trait and fixed set. Situational set is the basis of the formation of fixed set and vice versa (i.e. it can be a further differentiation stage of fixed set, its product). Fixed dispositions are realized in behavior through situational set. For this purpose, situational set orga- nizes the structural components of the fixed disposition and unites them with the actual givenness of a specific moment. In addition, successful behavioral realization ensured by situational set improves the characteristics of dispositional set (ნადირაშვილი, 1985) and increases the effectiveness of adaptation achieved through its participation.At the high levels of mental activity, behavior is regulated with the involvement of conscious resources.  The article focuses on conscious regulation, which, for the purpose of analysis, is distinguished from the unconscious regulation ensured by underlying set. The above resources take part in the internalization of  social values and their use for the formation of individual/personal sets.The proposed approach confirms a) an organic relationship between different forms and types of set; b)  the possibility of their synergic relationship and mutual transformation; c) the existence of different, but  mutually supplementary sources (including the sources of socio-cultural origin, e.g. common values) en- dowing activity with the needed energy; d) the possibility and necessity of the inclusion of D. Uznadze’s  situational set in the international theoretical and methodological context related to ‘dispositional’ con- structs.Our approach is also productive for the further elaboration of the relationship between the constituents of  legal culture (e.g. legal awareness) and normative behavior when their unity is based on two, interrelated  forms of set – fixed and non-fixed disposition, i.e. ‘dispositional’ and situational sets. 

assimilation, interiorization, common value, set, disposition
Published: Jul 19, 2022

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Nadareishvili , V. . (2022). INTERRELATIONSHIP BETWEEN FIXED AND SITUATIONAL MENTAL ENTITIES . Georgian Psychological Journal, 2.


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